Elevating the Strengths of BIPOC Leaders
Community • Learning • Collaboration •
About the Program
Transformational change in the non-profit sector requires transformational leadership. Non-profits led by BIPOC Leaders consistently and disproportionately create and implement solutions to pressing systemic inequities and challenges in meaningful and effective ways grounded in their professional and lived experiences. Despite this, they are most often under-recognized and under-resourced. BIPOC executives in the nonprofit sector often face a range of challenges, different from their white counterparts, that can hinder their career advancement and success.
The Leadership Alliance provides an opportunity to create the kind of transformation that will support BIPOC leaders, while also amplifying the social impact of leaders who are well positioned to make meaningful change in communities. The Leadership Alliance intentionally builds a supportive learning community for BIPOC Leaders in the nonprofit sector and engages stakeholders (philanthropy, boards of directors, government agencies, etc.) as key members of a broader alliance committed to strengthening the leadership of BIPOC executives. Together, these stakeholders build the foundation for a broader, more powerful alliance with BIPOC Leaders that prioritizes their success.
Our Key Pillars
The Leadership Alliance fosters community of peer support to provide resources and a safe space to address challenges. It also intentionally seeds relationships that strengthen the social capital and professional networks of Leaders in the program.
Skills & Competencies
The Leadership Alliance builds Leader skills and competencies (i.e., financial, fundraising, board management) that help them better perform and navigate their roles. The skills are identified and prioritized by the Leaders themselves based on their specific needs.
Self Care
The Leadership Alliance recognizes the deep personal commitment of POC Leaders to the community. The program provides tools for self-care, mindfulness and regeneration for Leaders as they continue to navigate bias, discrimination and oppression while trying to transform systems and structures that perpetuate poverty, inequity, and injustice.
About Us
Dianne Morales is a social entrepreneur with over three decades’ experience in executive management, strategy, policy, and organizational development in education, workforce, youth development and community organizations. Throughout her career, Dianne has developed solutions to strengthen the impact of organizations and increase their ability to effectively advance positive outcomes for communities that have borne the weight of structural and systemic inequities. She has worked to “strengthen the bench” of leaders of color with an emphasis on mentoring and coaching around program start up, organizational turn-around, team building, leadership development and strategic planning. Dianne is the Founder & CEO of StillRising, a social impact consulting firm focused on strengthening organizations and supporting leadership development. Dianne holds an M.S. from Columbia University and an EdM from Harvard University.
Sandra Escamilla is a coach and master facilitator who has worked with executive leaders and organizations for over 20 years. She has supported hundreds of leaders to critically examine their work and adopt practices that help them to initiate individual, organizational and system level change towards a desired outcome. She is the founder of PUSH NYC, an executive coaching firm that incorporates effective leadership models to respond to the holistic needs of her clients that span the globe. Sandra has also held various leadership positions in NYC including as the Executive Director of the Youth Development Institute (YDI) where she led the agency’s work in school reform and the implementation of youth development across multiple sectors. Currently, as the EVP at Children’s Aid she supports the VPs to implement effective programs and strategies. Sandra received her Master of Science in Social Work from Columbia University and her B.A. from Hunter College.
Partner Organizations and Funders
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